Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CH.A.D.D.) is the national and international nonprofit parent-support organization for children and adults with ADD.Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) provides educational resources on Attention Disorders to individuals and support organizations.Shari Landis' ADD Reference List
A list of Advocacy and Support groups, state by state.National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
National ADDA is a nonprofit, volunteer organization built around the needs of adults and young adults with ADD and ADHD.Randy Fife's Attention Deficit Disorder Page
Here is a place for some good links and lots of information on ADD.One A.D.D. Place
A neighborhood for information and resources relating to Attention Deficit
Disorder and Learning Disorders.Medication Chart to treat ADD
An Online Catalog that offers an assortment of materials on ADD and related disorders.A brief history of ADD
A Brief History of ADD by Bob Sealy and The Mining Co.The Invisible Disability
Here are some links to WWW pages dealing with ADD.ATIC's Web Resources for ADHD
MIT's Adaptive Technology for Information and Computing program provides various technologies to help persons with disabilities.